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Don't Cry For Me Argent

Don't Cry For Me Argentina (LIve) - 张靓颖

It won't be easy you'll think It strange
When I @R_794_3266@ to eXplain how I feel

That I stIll need your love after all that I've d@R_667_3193@
You won't belIeve me
All you wIll see Is a gIrl you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nines
At sIXes and sevens wIth you

And as for fortune and as for fame

I never invIted them in
Though It seemed to the world they were all I desIred
They are IllusIons
They are not the solutIons they promIsed to be
The answer was here all the tIme

I Love You and hope you love me

Don't cry for me Argentina
The truth Is I never left you
All through my wIld days
My mad eXIstence I kept my promIse

Don't keep your dIstance

Have I saId too much There's nothing more
I can think of to say to you

But all you have to do Is loOK at me to know
That every word Is true

《Don't Cry For Me Argentina 》
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