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Fishes,Fishes Where Are You?

歌名:FIshes,FIshes Where Are You
FIshes fIshes where ore you
Can you show me where they are
FIshes fIshes there they are
Some are swImrnin9 in the pond
FIshes fIshes where ore you
Can you show me where they ore
FIshes fIshes there they are
Some ore swImming in the rIver
FIshes fIshes where are you
Can you show me where they ore
FIshes fIshes there they ore
Some ore swImmin9 in the lake
FIshes fIshes where ore you
Can you show me where they are
FIshes fIshes there they are
Some are swImming in the sea

《Fishes,Fishes Where Are You?》
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